Thank you for visiting this site. It has been created to show examples of my recent work to prospective clients and their agents who may have contract opportunities that will present an enjoyable challenge to me and be productive for the contractor. The samples shown here are a mix of technical and creative work products. They are representative rather than comprehensive and meant to demonstrate the range of my skills. Though not represented here, my previous experience at all levels of responsibility in various facets of the entertainment industry always add dimension and perspective to the projects I work on. Please note that all of the information here is copyright protected and where it is not mine specifically it is owned by the entity noted in the sample.
The earliest work exhibited on this site is training oriented. After completing all projects in my role as National Network Training Manager for CompUSA several years ago I undertook several freelance courseware development projects. None was more interesting to me than designing a HUD funded 'Skilled Information Worker' course for eVillages. I expanded into freelance technical writing, systems and business analysis, and systems requirements documentation. My Data Resource Management Certificate from the University of Washington fortuitously coincided with opportunities to develop very challenging but very fun data systems. The one nearest my heart was for Intelligent Life Games. I brought together all the necessary resources to develop a fully graphic online multiplayer strategy game I had been designing for years as an avocation. It stretched every skill I'd ever acquired and required the development of several I had never been exposed to before for the team and me to bring the game online.
As that special project neared completion, I joined Litton/Northrop-Grumman's consolidation of campus facilities as an associate Project Manager. Back into freelance contracting, I assisted an associate with his fledgling business; I developed websites, learned SEO techniques, and managed the marketing of the business. As the company grew from a small shop to an international entity with several U.S. facilities and Asian and European supply lines my responsibility grew to include network design, remote access, hands-on IT server and user support, and eventually, IT management.
As that company approaches 20 million in annual sales, I am returning to freelance writing, designing, and consulting. Beginning in September 2008, I will be accepting contracted work for Lawrence Dunlap LLC.